
“Highly recommended…an invaluable lesson in politics. Ferraro’s distinction as a ‘first’ in American politics may be her legacy, but her journey getting there is equally remarkable. Much more than a standard biopic, Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way is deeply personal, providing rare insight into the experiences that cultivated Ferraro’s devotion to public service.”
- Educational Media Reviews Online

“Recommended. An enlightening profile of a woman who paved the way. …A portrait of a woman who cared deeply for her family and took her political duties seriously. A good supplement for political science, women’s studies, and U.S. history classes.”
Booklist (ALA)

“An encomium for the first woman to run on a major party’s ticket for the White House…..the enjoyable film makes a fine point of entry for younger viewers who might not have understood the tributes paid upon Ferraro’s death in 2011; Clips of her in public settings depict a remarkable communicator whose straight talk and logic-driven arguments would be welcome on the current political scene.”
– Hollywood Reporter

“This profile cuts smartly to the inspiring essence of Ferraro’s 1984 VP run, a watershed moment for female political representation, swaddled in a nonsense Queens toughness.”
– TimeOut, New York

“Stirring…the story of a hard-driving woman who found ways to manage and transcend the constraints of a paternalistic era…..As the film shows, history is powerful. To her credit, director Donna Zaccaro, Ferraro’s daughter, did not ignore controversies and setbacks in her mother’s career. But the thrust of the film…is uplifting: Ferraro’s push against the boundaries of her time, the emotion and exuberance of her rise from poverty to the apex of politics….”
– The Daily Beast

“Although she was defeated, her candidacy was a seminal moment in politics that was validated by the subsequent leap in the number of women holding office. In three decades, political women have gone from anomalies to mainstream, though they still are underrepresented. ”
Albert R. Hunt, Bloomberg View / New York Times

“Anyone who thinks the late Geraldine Ferraro was a one-hit wonder needs to watch this documentary. Ferraro’s campaign eased America’s long-running doubt that a woman could be accepted at that level of national leadership.  She reset the bar at a place from which it couldn’t be lowered, clearing a lot of brush Clinton would otherwise have had to hack through during her own 2008 primary run.”
New York Daily News

“The portion of the documentary dedicated to the presidential campaign is the most disturbing — as a woman, Ferraro and her husband are scrutinized in a way a male candidate and his spouse would never be. Though Ferraro may have paved the way, ‘Geraldine’ reminds us how long and pitted the road can be.”
Los Angeles Times

“Intriguing…fascinating footage…The Mondale-Ferraro ticket, as history has written, was up against the essentially undefeatable popularity of Ronald Reagan’s ‘Morning in America’ reelection campaign, but, as the film reminds us, Ferraro’s nomination was every bit the milestone.”
Washington Post

Interview with Donna Zaccaro on Fox & Friends
Fox and Friends

Interview with Director Donna Zaccaro
– Indie Wire

Interview with Donna Zaccaro on Huffington Post Live
HuffPost Live


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